Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to hand-pick a candidate for a riding in an upcoming Montreal byelection isn’t being well-received by three aspiring contenders who spent months campaigning only to be shunted aside.

The Liberals announced Montreal city Coun. Laura Palestini last Friday as the party’s candidate in a byelection whose date has yet to be announced for the riding of LaSalle–Emard–Verdun. The byelection must be called by July 30.

Three aspiring candidates – local school commissioner Lori Morrison; entrepreneur Christopher Baenninger; and former Quebec Liberal party organizer Eddy Kara – denounced the decision, with Morrison calling it “anti-democratic, 100 per cent.”

Morrison said she couldn’t believe the party let her knock on doors and sign up memberships only to ultimately abandon plans for a nomination meeting.

    2 months ago

    A local school commissioner, entrepreneur, and former Liberal party organizer walk into a bar.

    They never left because they are sad a city council member with actual experience was picked over them.

    buh dum tss

    Say what you will about Trudeau but attacking the guy for literally doing what every other party is guilty of is not worth the time or energy and clearly has a motive behind it.

    Vote NDP, run for the NDP, and stop crying about the big bad libs.