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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m the writer of the comment. It was meant as a reflection of what they were saying. The original comment was being sarcastic saying they were banning their waistline from getting larger implying it that wouldn’t work, just as the FTC ban wouldn’t work. My comment was saying they should start putting in some effort to prevent their waistline from growing and it might help some, just like the FTC ban is a step in the right direction for making a difference.

    Doing nothing and waiting for perfection is not a solution. Complaining about every step not being a complete cure gets no where. The only way to start making a difference is to take some action. It probably won’t be ideal, but it’s better than nothing and gets things moving the right way.

    Basically, my comment was flipping their sarcastic dismissive reply into a serious productive message.

  • No, I implied that they were acting like petulant children instead of treating everyone including me with respect. You have to give respect to get respect.

    OK, so first respect is earned, not given. You don’t get to be respected just because you think you should be.

    Second, you were not giving them respect. If you want them to respect you then you should be respecting them first, based on your own logic. Calling them children is not doing this, therefore you don’t get to be respected.

    I have Asperger’s. I am accutely aware when I am doing something wrong.

    You clearly do not recognize when you’re doing something wrong. The Aspergers diagnosis makes things make sense, but it still isn’t an excuse. If you’re calling people children that is implying you’re an “elder” and above them. It is implying a position of superiority. Either it’s wrong to do this, like you said, and what you are doing is wrong or it isn’t wrong to do this and your stance on the subject is wrong. One of these must be true. Your behavior is hypocritical to what you’re saying. It doesn’t matter who started what. That’s childish to just point fingers and say “but they started it!”

  • The mistake that these people are making, and that you are making, is the same mistake that ALL extramists make. All extremists believe that they are somehow absolutely superior to everyone else.

    Meanwhile, you’re calling people children and acting superior to everyone else.

    I’m glad you live in a low-carbon house. Congratulations. Assuming you 80% number is accurate, and applying it to your entire lifetime for all activities, you will save approximately 100 miles of airline travel worth of CO2, assuming your usage is similar to an average American. Great. That’s effectively nothing.

    We have to change systems to actually have an impact, not just our own habits. Reducing your output is great and I appreciate it, but stopping there means you have done nothing. We need to stop industries that emit CO2. Average people have very little effect, but their votes and power can change the things that do.