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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Maybe also an evolved strain of the pandemic h1n1 virus. And more evolved versions of other viruses, too. That covid will be more evolved than the original pandemic strain, also. It’ll have the transmission increases and immunity avoidance while in the novel virus stage, so going back to warn about covid could instead make it happen earlier and much worse (instead of just earlier). Plus all the other pandemics on top of that, and in a time that is much less ready to pivot office work to wfh.

  • Yeah, the actual story wasn’t as interesting as what I initially thought it would be, making the same mistake you did. I really had no idea what it was going to be and was disappointed when I realized it was just people’s laundry blowing around.

    Though those winds were pretty high and it makes me wonder if the underwear storm story is being used to distract from widespread damage and injury/death as a result of the CCP’s weather engineering attempt.

    Had a freak storm pop up with winds lower than those reported here and it caused a huge mess in a large region. I got lucky and the tree I watched get blown over went away from the house I was in instead of towards it.

  • I meant with accurate car storage. Being able to reclaim that space for other uses would be pretty satisfying. It would need to simulate at the individual level, so I’m not sure how technically feasible it would be (I think cities skylines does this to a degree, but I don’t know if they simulate the full population or just a portion of it).

    It should also include accidents, including “truck tried to drive under bridge it didn’t fit under” and “incompetent boat operator takes out bridge” style ones.

    It would be neat if the simulation was good enough to be able to see realistic effects of various policies and changes. Something that could capture unintended consequences without the high level pattern bring coded into the simulation directly. Like how high speed roundabouts are death traps, base that on when conflicts would become visible and the reaction time available to avoid an accident rather than just “high speed roundabout = x accidents per y time”.

    It would be an engineering tool as much as a game at the accuracy level I’d like to see, but I’d have a blast playing around with something like that.

  • My perspective has been that if things really do go to shit to the level of what peppers believe, financial stuff won’t really matter unless you’ve invested in setting up a self-sufficient compound. And even then, owning such a compound would likely be as much of a liability than an asset because unless there’s many such compounds, you’re going to get swarmed by anyone who hears about it, so you’ll also need security forces and equipment to defend it.

    And if you have a small army on the compound, good luck not getting couped by them.

    A business venture like a magazine would be completely irrelevant if society ends. But it might make a decent income in the time between now and the end. And it’ll be kinda like religion: once anyone is in a position to find out how good any of your advice really was, they won’t likely be in a position to get upset with you if it was all just made up.

  • This topic always reminds me of one of my co-op jobs where I was working with a piece of software to develop an importer for its file format. Getting the software running properly with its licensing system took a couple of weeks. We had the license all along, but it used a license server that needed to be set up on my machine, plus a dongle that it used.

    Once it was up and running, I did like the software and one day decided to also use it to produce files for a personal project I was doing for fun at home. Downloaded a pirated version and had it running by that evening no issue.

    The DRM just made for a crappy experience for the paying customer and wasn’t even noticed by those it was meant to prevent using their software.

    Though I now wonder if that was deliberate because they’d still catch that in corporate audits (I think? Not really sure how those work tbh), so allowing individual users to easily bypass the DRM could help them build market share that they get paid for by businesses buying licenses when users say it’s their preferred platform.

  • In order to simulate the future of the universe, one would need a computer that could store every bit of data required to express the state of the universe, plus anything required to handle any temporary calculations and then extra if you want to store anything about that simulation.

    There is only one such device known to exist: the universe itself. And it doesn’t store any simulation history, though you can figure out some things by examining the current state.

    We could simulate a smaller portion of the universe, but you still need to store every bit of information about the current state and things would diverge anyways because you won’t be perfectly simulating the edges and those differences would cascade throughout the whole thing eventually.

    That state for Earth would still take an earth amount of matter to store. But ok, let’s say we repurpose Jupiter to be a perfect Earth simulator at least until the edge differences mess it all up, plus it has a ton of extra matter to store useful information about the simulation. First thing you’ll need to do once it’s ready is initialize it with the current state of Earth.

    But, there’s a problem: how do you measure every single thing about something without the earlier measurements changing the later ones? You can’t measure something without interacting with it in some way. Even if you just look at it, it changes (though it’s not your eyes that change it, it’s the light that bounced off of it to get to your eyes). That change is miniscule for direct affects on us, but it’s very relevant at a perfect simulation level of detail.

    The universe might be deterministic (I don’t think there’s any real way to determine this for sure either way, like what would be different if it was or wasn’t?), but it’s not prederministic, at least not from within.

    Maybe there’s some kind of mechanism to see a reflection from the future or something like that, but even then, what would happen if someone saw themselves walk through the left door in the future but when the moment came walked through the right door instead?