Why, a hexvex of course!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Often people say “life is what you make of it”, but that’s not quite true. You can try to steer your life by your actions, but in reality fortune plays a greater role than you can imagine.

    I have been very fortunate in my life, most people I know have not been. From broken dreams, blossoming mental illness, to just plain old death - a lot of the people I care about have been robbed of joy in their lives.

    It’s not something they gave up through weakness of character, it was something taken from them. When you are young, you’ve maybe only had a couple of bad rolls, but when you’re older odds are you’ll be worse off (the probability of misfortune often being higher than that of fortune).

  • Yes and no; I’ve met some people who were great to date but hell to live with.

    A good relationship starts with both people knowing what they want - and continual contact helps determine if the other person is being honest about what they want. Post 35/30, this process is often a lot faster, and dating skill matters less than ability not to annoy the person you’re suddenly around 24/7.

    If it matches from the start, or a compromise grows, you’re in for a winner. Otherwise, back to the sea of the undead you go, no matter how good your dating skill!