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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • That sucks, I’m sorry that someone did that to you. Abuse comes in many forms.

    The most important thing in responding to a an abusive situation is to separate the abuser from the victim, and it sounds like you got the short end of that separation.

    It is a good thing that the cops, with what biases they carry and little information they have in stressful situations, are supposed to be the beginning, not the end, of the justice system. I truly hope that the system eventually worked in your case and that after your arrest, you were not charged, convicted, and sentenced due to a false accusation.

    Just making your way through the system can be enough to feel like you are being punished.

  • That was certainly not my intended meaning, and I’m sorry it came off that way. We have a system of innocent until proven guilty. When someone makes a claim, it should be taken seriously and processed though that system until that system reaches a conclusion. We should not be dismissing victims out of pocket, or attacking accusers as antagonists before the system has an opportunity to fulfill any part its obligation. When people treat accusers as a bad actors, it punishes victims who have already been through hell, and further suppresses other victims from coming forward. Victims who often times still remain in dangerous situations, while their abuser is free to abuse them or others. If we wish to live in a just society we must take grievances seriously and treat the aggrieved with all due care and respect that should be granted to any fellow human being.