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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • Free speech stops when it infringes someone else’s rights. That’s why threatening violence isn’t covered. This should be obvious.

    I also note that while the tweet was self-deleted, it’s still out there now thanks to this tweet, and this post, and even my reply, much like telling a jury to disregard something that was objected to. They probably knew it too, the old post and delete method of getting people worked up and denying responsibility.

  • It’s all about projecting confidence that you are the person in control. Don’t even need the right clothes or a clipboard. Some of my favorite scenes from the Beverly Hills Cop movies is when Axel does this kind of thing. Catch people by surprise, flash an ID without showing it, look pissed. “Is that your Porsche outside???”

  • “When I look at Robert E Lee, the comparisons to him and George Washington are immense,” he said, noting Washington also owned slaves.

    Not the same.

    “I wonder when George Washington’s name and things like that will then have to come off of things.”

    One helped found this country. Another fought this country.

    “But to be taught that everyone who fought for the Confederacy, or did this, or did that, is a racist slave holder, that’s all or nothing, and that really isn’t doing history justice,” he added.

    We really need to teach better in history class. THAT is where we need to stop removing things, not statues and dedications to traitors of the country. He doesn’t understand WHY the Confederacy started the war, does he? Maybe he should dive into the declarations from the various states on why they seceded. It’s plainly mentioned in almost all of them.

  • It would be far different if the land mass of Africa had never existed. The whole tectonic movement would have resulted in different arrangements several supercontinents ago, with their own effects on climate and life itself.

    But if Africa just blipped off one day, maybe. Then you have to explore what a sudden loss of land would do to the ocean waters rushing in, the change in Earth rotation due to its mass being shifted, lots of other things.