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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • Another indication you haven’t actually read any of the papers, even the titles

    3/5 of the papers are for both dogs and cats.

    I’m aware the title of the post you linked to was exclusivity about cats, the content of the majority of papers was not.

    No goalposts were moved i was responding to the information you posted, if you aren’t going to actually read them yourself your opinion on what constitutes goalposts means nothing.

    Other than the final line, nothing in my response even mentions dogs.

    However, lets say we only apply what i said to cats, every single point still stands.

    I’m assuming you don’t have any actual arguments or you would have mentioned them instead of picking up on a single word that doesn’t actually change the content of the response.

    Feel free to surprise me though.

  • TL;DR;

    Posting a link to a bunch of other links you don’t seem to have actually read isn’t a good basis for an argument

    Scientific evidence, sure, but if you’d actually read them you’d see they aren’t as inline with your argument as you seem to think.

    Do you mean the one behind a paywall

    Perhaps the one consisting almost entirely of owner reported (and thus inherently bias) results

    Maybe the meta-study that specifically calls out how little quality and volume there is in this areas of study, comments on how self-reported studies are bias and in conclusion basically says:

    “It doesn’t seem to immediately kill your pets in the limited studies that have been done, we have even seen some benefits, but we don’t have enough quality data to be that confident about anything”

    How about this one which is again largely based on self-reported results.

    You should actually read the “Study Limitations” section for this one.

    Or the last one which is about vegetarian diets, again goes out of it’s way to specifically call out the lack of current research and that the majority of current research supporting these diets is “rarely conducted in accordance with the highest standards of evidence-based medicine”

    I’m aware i’m cherry picking quotes and points here, but only to illustrate that these papers aren’t the silver bullet you seem to think.

    Not to say there is no validity to the argument that these diets can be beneficial but it’s a far cry from vegan diets are scientifically proven safe for cats and dogs.

  • It doesn’t escape me, but what part of what I’ve said has invited confrontation or dismissal? I’m asking honestly.

    In this case i can’t see any big red flags.

    The tone is a possibility, as i said, being correct isn’t an absolute defence against being considered an arsehole.

    To be clear, I’m not implying you were incorrect, or the tone was incorrect, just that that kind of certainty (evidence based or not) gets some people’s backs up.

    It’s grating that it keeps happening and I keep telling people to stop.

    I don’t think it’s what you actually meant but this could be interpreted as “Somebody didn’t accept my answer and argued, so i told them to stop, they didn’t even though i was clearly correct, this is grating”

    Hyperbole aside, it’s frequent enough that I can see a pattern of people starting petty arguments trying to win and throwing low punches instead of clarifying what is being said and why.

    Firstly, welcome to public internet forums in general, this is common behaviour.

    That aside, there are numerous trolls and bad faith “debaters” around, but just because you consider something petty doesn’t mean the other person does.

    This is what i was trying to convey in my reply earlier, if almost all interactions end up with what you consider petty behaviour it’s worth considering the possibility that you are contributing to that outcome somehow.

    Like, I don’t even want to argue.

    So don’t, if you don’t want to continue the interaction then don’t reply.

    Meaning what, it’s also me?

    Possibly, yes.

    lol If I’m the one telling people to stop and act like adults and that gets 180° turns in behaviour, what does that say to you?

    Honestly, it says to me that your communication skills might need some work.

    Again, to be clear i don’t mean your communication of facts and information, i mean your ability to understand how phrasing something in a certain way might illicit a certain kind of response.

    “Stop acting like a child” is a very good way to build enmity and confrontation, which is useful in some cases, if you intend to illicit that response.

    However, saying something like that and then being confused/frustrated when people get confrontational and dismissive suggests a lack of understanding about the impact of tone and phrasing.

  • Because stoners are basically a cult at this point, and refuse anything even as remotely negative as “it’s not good for your cats?”

    I mean, i specifically stated it wasn’t related to the actual topic being discussed, but i can address this anyway i suppose.

    Possibly culty i suppose, about the same amount as alcohol consumers, smokers, people who see chiropractors etc.

    Less than people in organised religion ( big cults ), actual cults and MLM schemes.

    If all of the stoners you know are your definition of culty ( except you of course ), perhaps consider that it’s your choice in acquaintances rather than an entire demographic.

    Can’t say i care either way, but i’d be interested in any studies you might have on the subject ( belief systems of stoners in general, not specifically the ones you know ofc, that would be unlikely )

    To be clear, I smoke most nights… but god damn do I hate people who feel the need to defend weed against everything.

    If that personal preference works for you, who am i to tell you you’re wrong.

    It’s a drug, y’all. It’s not good for you.

    Drug doesn’t automatically imply harm, but i think i know what you mean.