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Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • I think there are many great museums for them to give historical context/discuss the vile history of post-reconstruction glorification of the civil war.

    We don’t need all of them but to destroy them all I think is a backwards decision. They are unique works that should be studied and discussed so we remember to ask the hard questions and look at our history without rose tinted glasses. Racism is still alive and well and we need to see the cultural flashpoints and contributions throughout our history that have contributed.

    Beauregard for instance is a fascinating figure. After the war he wrote and spoke extensively about how wrong he was to fight for the confederacy and openly said it was about slavery and everyone else is full of shit. He even advocated for black Americans’ right to vote after the war. Yet a statue of him in his confederate uniform was erected anyway against his wishes. This is worthy of discussion.

    Don’t get me wrong - he was a confederate general and nothing will wipe that stain away. But people are complicated and can grow. It shouldn’t be “confederate pride,” we should be going “why did they choose him”? There’s a lot to unpack.

  • I used to feel this way but ultimately, what happened was tragic, even if it happened years prior. He expressed it publicly and some folks probably felt “seen” at the time. That’s a good thing. Talking about/hearing stories of trauma and loss and grief can be very empowering for folks who have experienced their own.

    Like don’t get me wrong: yes he was (is?) all those things you described. No he was not a model messenger for this story. But that was a serious loss and I think at some point folks need to recognize that we’re all human and maybe we shouldn’t attack someone working through the loss of their child. Even if we feel they don’t deserve to express themselves that way.

    Maybe I’m missing elements of the story but I guess I’ve just never been able to square why it needed to be this ruthlessly mocked. It’s been like 15 years.