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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • And if the world were a just place instead of a twisted shithole designed to maximize the privilege of a relative few wealthy and empowered parasites, you could work fewer hours, make the same or even more money and afford a house.

    But instead the system has been warped so that you have to work long hours for insufficient pay and still can’t afford a decent life, and all so that a relative few executives, board nembers, bankers, investors and politicians can siphon off the bulk of the wealth you generate so that they can buy more houses and bigger yachts.

  • Just your daily reminder that much of the power that rules the world - the immediate political power and the wealth that buys influence over that power - is in the hands of literal psychopaths who value their short-term self-interest over anything and everything else, including humanity’s health and well-being.

    One day there will be a memorial erected over a lifeless Earth - “Here lies the human race - billions of lives and millennia of history destroyed so that a few psychopaths could buy mansions and yachts.”