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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Maybe I’m too old to be a good judge of what good hair looks like. That hair, especially with the large chunks (instead of just frizz) of flyaways looks dirty to me. Maybe it’s an artifact of the photoshopping?

    If people are into it, awesome.

    If people aren’t, and he loves it, still awesome.

    My gut reaction to seeing it is “dirty” (rightly or wrongly), and on a dating app where left swipes are based on gut decisions in a fraction of a second.

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with the guy, and I think switching the format is good, because you can’t dismiss a billboard as quickly as a tinder profile.

  • If Dave thought that this picture of himself (clearly unshowered) was something to throw up on a billboard, I already know why he was struggling with dating apps.

    I understand how much dating apps suck. But if you reject the reality that your pictures shouldn’t demonstrate a lack of basic hygiene, you’re not even really participating. It’s like insisting on going to bat with a pool noodle; I admire your dedication but nobody can consider it a genuine attempt.

  • It’s a tough fight for them because of how familiar the population is with those corps.

    Lab services in Sask have bounced between private and public several times… Nobody really notices (which is sad IMO)

    But SGI and SaskTel… Everyone is a client, and everyone can look over any provincial border and go “whoa, don’t wanna end up like them”.

  • Lol. It’s a crown corporation and WILDLY popular. No one will squawk? Any party would not withstanding that shit immediately because it’s popular, and then just wrap it in their party-specific words.

    The LAST thing Bell wants is to draw national attention to how well a provincial offering is. The LAST thing they want is for people to see that there are alternative structures that are working for other Canadians.

  • I think my main issue with that use case is that it’s a “solution” to a relatively minor problem (which has a far simpler solution), that actually compounds the problem.

    Let’s say I don’t want to write prose for my email, I have a list of bullet points I want to get across. Awesome, I feed it into the chat gippity and boom, my points are (hopefully) property represented in prose.

    Now, the recipient doesn’t want to read prose. ESPECIALLY if it’s the fluffy wordy-internet-recipe-preamble that the chat gippity tends to produce. They want a bullet point summary. So they feed it into the chat gippity to get what is (hopefully) a properly condensed bullet point summary.

    So, suddenly we have introduced a fallible middle translation layer for actually no reason.

    Just write the clear bullet point email in the first place. Save everyone the time. Save everyone from the 2 chances for the chat gippity to fuck it up.

  • My concerns are the legal apparatus that can not distinguish between nuisance and protest.

    I think protests against the genocide in Gaza are appropriate l, and I wouldn’t want people rounded up for being a nuisance.

    I think the BLM protests were appropriate, and I wouldn’t want people rounded up for being a nuisance.

    I think the protests around truth and reconciliation are appropriate, and I wouldn’t want those people rounded up for being a nuisance.

    Basically, I’m just saying the knife cuts BOTH WAYS. Any laws that can shuffle people out of your sight for being something so poorly defined as a “nuisance” opens the gate for it to be applied against protests which are BY DESIGN disruptive to some degree.

  • I got the brain inflammation outcome 20 years ago. Brutal. Would not recommend.

    In the past, it’s been to just prioritize not getting bitten, so use bug spray and consider how you’re dressed. If you are going to sleep outdoors maybe consider how well your sleeping situation is going to protect you.

    Also, big one is to think about if you’re creating good mosquito breeding conditions on your property. If so, change that.

    I know years ago, there was interest in reporting/cleaning up suspiciously dead birds too. Not sure what the current direction on that is now.