Canadian software engineer living in Europe.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • So what? What good is a “progressive” party if they prop up genocide? The Conservatives are going to take the next election precisely because of cowardice like this. Why should anyone consider voting for the NDP (or the Liberals for that matter) if their policies are the same where it matters?

    This is the thing the NDP doesn’t get: principles and passion are what drive Left-leaning voters. It’s not enough to be “not Conservative”. We already have that party. We need a party that taxes the shit out of billionaires, blocks fossil fuels, and yes, stops selling weapons to genociders. Without the courage to be better, they’re just another meaningless colour on the ballot.

  • Taking a principled, public stand on a moral issue and then subverting said statement via a backdoor through the US is sadly unsurprising from Liberals. The NDP however:

    “Canada must not be fuelling the ongoing genocide in Gaza with Canadian-made weapons,” said Heather McPherson, a Canadian parliament member and foreign affairs critic for the NDP.

    Aren’t they still propping up this government? Someone should remind Singh that the NDP are nothing if they can’t have stronger principles than Liberals.

  • I feel like these are rather tame choices to be honest, though I can’t recall anything specific. I just remember hearing him speak in the House years ago under Harper and thinking: “What an odious little man”.

    Rather than sifting through controversial news headlines, they’d do well to sift through video archives of house debates. I seem to remember racist dog whistles and some pretty terrible things said during the Conservative push for voting “reform” and that Muslim snitch line.