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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • “this is as far as you can go if you don’t want to get involved in management”

    Yes. That exactly. This typically comes with a nice perk: Principals are supposed to have the same clout as lower-level managers. Which is to say they usually report to Directors or even the CTO in some organizations.

    Another one is “Independent Contributor” which is similar but, as the name would suggest, is very self sufficient and does not work on (or for) a team. They’re basically one-man engineering shops and are expected to perform well everywhere in the company’s tech and talent stacks. As a result, ICs are very rare.

  • Estimate for CD lifespans was in the 100 year range, but the only way to really put that to the test is to try them in 100 years.

    FWIW, I have some CDs that are pushing 40+ years at this point. They work fine, scratches and all.

    In my experience, CDRs and other record-able media can’t handle a single summer in a hot car. Mistakes were made. If you have your hands on anything like that, I agree: focus there first for your data hoarding activities.

  • I completely understand the sentiment here, but I have to respectfully disagree with part of your argument.

    The internet itself is this fundamentally ephemeral, thing. Our relationship to it, as a medium, has persisted for decades at this point and may continue to do so for a long time. At the same time, it lives and dies by the whims of corporations and millions of other users, and so its trajectory is largely beyond the control of any one individual. It’s like this by design: properties like distributed control, flexible routing, easy duplication/destruction of data, give it resilience but also make it temporary. This also makes it a volatile place to keep things permanently, which is a real problem for a lot of different mediums.

    With that in mind, there exists a lot of media today that has no non-digital equivalent. So, having a local data cache you control - DVD, BluRay, forvever moving data between online services, even a personal NAS - is the only hedge you can get for the net’s volatility. And even then, that medium has a service life.

    So I don’t think it’s a shame, per se, that things are like this now. Rather, it always has been. It’s never been easier to consume (and pirate) media online, but the underlying rules have not changed.

  • Thanks. I knew I was in for a wild ride when a co-worker quoted MIB:

    The company keeps us on Centaurian time, standard thirty-seven hour day. Give it a few months. You’ll get used to it… or you’ll have a psychotic episode.

    Management was very accommodating in making the switch back to 2nd shift. I noped outta there and went on to much greener pastures soon thereafter.

  • The kind of customer you interface with at 1AM is absolutely NOT going to take “we can’t solve this now; I’ll make sure a supervisor or manager contacts you during the day” as an answer. You typically get quite the earful for something 1st or 2nd shift never has to worry about. After this happens a few times, it more or less eradicates any perks of working this shift.

  • Don’t forget that night shift customer-facing jobs also have to deal with the night creatures that are said customers.

    Things get real weird from 11PM-3AM. These people didn’t need IT support, they needed a psychiatric counseling hotline.

    For me, my body literally couldn’t take the constant “biological darkness” (no UV). After three weeks, I experienced moderate dysphoria, anhedonia, and could no longer achieve restful sleep. Perhaps more-so than the average person, I am a slave to my circadian rhythms and absolutely depend on a normal clock to function.

  • I agree with the other responses you have here.

    I’ll add one observation: the more petty the censorship, the bigger the backlash. People in general loathe that kind of behavior, and internet geeks with a vivid collective memory of being bullied by people like this? Oh, you reap the whirlwind in such cases.