• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You have an idea in your head of a standard that is “middle class”.

    That is not what I’m talking about.

    If we’re splitting the classes by median income (assets could be done, but people in the middle class by median are lucky to even have a mortgage on a home) then it’s about 40k for an individual and 75k for a household.

    Statistically speaking “middle class” is the median and a statistical deviation either way.

    But that paints an incredibly depressing and realistic picture of what America’s “economy” is really like. So the wealthy have pushed the narrative you’re following that only a minority of people can obtain “middle class”.

    Historically when shit gets organized like that, it doesn’t end well for the ones that hoarded all the wealth.

    The harsh truth is that “middle class” is pretty fucking broke. It’s just what happens when you concentrate the wealth at one end of the distribution. And literally the only way to fix that, is by moving the wealth to people lower in the distribution.

    So rather than that be the discussion, it benefits the wealthy if people do what you’re doing, and act like it just disappeared and can magically be made to reappear from thin air without taking wealth back from the people who have it now.

  • Middle class is paycheck to paycheck, has been for a while.

    I’m lucky enough I can stack retirement and I got a house when it was (comparatively cheap).

    If we’re splitting the classes by median income (assets could be done, but people in the middle class by median are lucky to even have a mortgage on a home) then it’s about 40k for an individual and 75k for a household. And I’m solidly “upper class” even though I’ll never amass more than a million in assets unless real estate inflation jumps past Ludacris and into plaid.

    The fact that anyone with a million in assets, let alone cash/stocks would consider themselves “middle class” just tells you stupid people can luck out and become millionaires.

    It’s a level of delusion that is actual impressive.

    So the “middle class” that’s a single income, house in the burbs, two cars, vacations every year…

    That shits gone. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t still a statistical middle class.

  • Imagine how tired he’d be if he was paying attention to the people making millions and millions of dollars selling opioids and other addictive drugs, especially when he finds out about how extended release was pushed thru despite corporations knowing an significant amount of people would metabolize too fast leading to over medication, under medication, and a situation that creates addicts faster than if you were intentionally trying to create addicts.

    Or the judge can keep fucking with the victims because he’s too stupid to see what the underlying problem is.

    It won’t solve anything, but that’s never stopped old assholes before.