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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • I can understand how difficult it would be to call your son or daughter by a different name. But if I am introduced to someone, and they tell me their name is Molly; I’m gonna call them Molly. You’d have to be a real piece of work to go out of your way to call them something else.

    But then again, paperwork and role call, etc for the school – How was that printed out? Because I am fucked when it comes to names and remembering shit. If roll had “Greg” printed on it, but Greg wanted to be called “Molly”; I’d have a hard time flipping that in my head every day when I’m reading one thing and having to change it to another. It’s like that mental test where you read the word “Blue” but the word is in red and you’re supposed to say what color the word is.

    So I’d like to know - did identification from the school match their preferred names? If not; why not? The school might be just as at-fault here.