retired pilot crumudgeon, woke leftist

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2024


  • To me, that is a very weak excuse. this is canada. we don’t have “gun rights”. that is a privilege just like having a pilot’s licence. that is not a licence to go on social media and blather about rights for “law abiding gun owners”. that is simply a veiled threat to those of us who dont own guns or may have a different skin tone or religious or gender affiliation.

    secondly, when i see a vehicle with f*trudeau stickers and “2a rights” near my place when a firearms related incident happens, i am the good citizen who writes down the plate and description of the vehicle then reports to the authorities. there are DEI people in my building.
    And i find its the same sore loser whiney crybababy conservatives who decry the presence of a kirpan (ceremonial knife) on a Sikh. hypocracy in the face of the deputy Consrvative party leader. I would vote for Tim S Uppal if i was in his riding.

    This didn’t start with Trudeau the younger. This was Hard work by Allen Rock and the Rt Hon Jean Chretien. If you dont like it , say it to Mr Chretien’s face and see if he doesnt give you the Shawinnigan handshake lol!

    And if you still dont like it,: i hear there are no gun laws nor even any carbon tax in Haiti. you can go there while a few Haitiens are waiting at Roxham Rd that would replace you in a heartbeat and be happy to live under Canada’s gun laws and grateful to pay carbon tax.

    ROFL! the lame arguments some of you bring up