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Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • oh I’m sure they actually did. if there’s one thing Republicans are good at, it’s being contrarian assholes about all climate related policy. I’m sure someone tried to poke every hole they could in this.

    but you’d have to have a pretty warped understanding of emissions to think that mowing a field with sheep is even close to a lawnmower. this field needs to be mowed to keep the solar panels clear. even if these sheep weren’t eaten or used for any other purpose, this would still be a good policy. as is though, we will also be getting wool, because these sheep will die without being sheered. we will likely be getting other products too. I’m not sure if they will be eaten, but probably not. they aren’t very popular for meat here.

    sheep are legitimately a very green way to mow a field when you consider alternatives. like, i guess they could use those hand push manual mowers or scythes or something, but that would mean hiring thousands of people. that may be ultimately the best thing for everyone but the billionaires that profit on it, but let’s bee realistic here. that’s not happening.

  • yeah, it’s likely for insurance or regulatory reasons.

    insurance will find any reason possible to deny your claim. even if that is a failure to remove the keys from the ignition after the car burst into flames.

    regulators shouldn’t allow slack. with any company in a regulatory situation they will to exactly as much as they’re allowed to get away with. give them an inch, they take a Mile. letting hazard tags slide based on judgement creates space for corruption and abuse. following procedures to the letter with strict documentation can help curtail that.

  • nah, my bet is that’s a machine that’s like visibly exploded to pieces. some manager walked by and reprimanded them for not tagging the broken gear. writer of tag argued back that “it’s obviously fucked, i mean look at it. have a think about it for a second”. manager said it doesn’t matter, protocol. tag writer writes sarcastic tag.